Thursday, July 18, 2013

A New Woman!

Hello! Wow it's amazing I am writing on my blog at 7 am instead of 3 am. Well I went on my morning walk with my dog Bailey felt great. I am going farther and farther everyday. I am walking every morning at 6 am Mark wakes me up AT 5:30, but it takes me a half an hour to get out of bed...BAHAHA Gosh just to think a few months ago I could barely get out and walk half that. I couldn't even think about walking that is how bad I felt, not alone go to the school even though it's 15 minutes to get there. I am so proud of myself for how far I've come. Well did I write about getting fitted for my prosthesis and bras the other day. It felt so good to have boobs again. They felt so real and looked great! I will now have some perky breast...LOL That is the silver lining got to love that. Yeah I put on the breast and wow what a difference it made in my whole body and mind confident. I felt like a new woman. As of today I am just wearing a padded bra and it feels good too, but the prosthesis feel so amazing. I can wait for them it takes about 2 weeks to get the prosthesis. That is okay because just wearing a bra helps so much. I am getting a size A seems small, but it's not it's actually a very good size for me. It will be so nice to have them. There is a science behind the fitting of prosthesis don't know how to explain it, but that is okay at least I am going to feel like a new woman! I am getting excited for my kid's 7th and 10th birthday this year. Brenna is going to have a My Little Pony party. I am making the rainbow cake will be a lot of fun. She is going to make the cutie marks on the cake for me. You see she is an artist not Then we'll have the little ponies all around the cake it will look so cute. I'll take pictures and put them on Facebook. Fun stuff. Connor wants a creeper cake from Minecraft. I found a cute gal on YouTube Nerdy Nummies so funny. I really like how she bakes her cakes. I think I am beginning to like trying to bake new items lately ever since I found I am going to make these chocolate balloon bowls the kids will love them. You put all kinds of things in them you want, but I think it would be great for the ice cream then they can eat the bowl. So fun looking forward to making everything. I think I am just as excited for this birthday party as Bren. Keeps me busy. Because lately I have had a lot of time on my hands to be thinking a lot and sometimes it's not all that good, but I am trying to not get down right now don't need that. Like Rosa said I have a lot to be Thankful for and just think positive thoughts. I am looking forward to so much lately so I'll be totally fine. I do have that darn hysterectomy to do still not looking forward to that. I see a new doctor about all that soon. I guess he uses the DeVinci Robot as well. ~Sigh I am just not sure about that damn robot it freaks me out. Men and their toys I just hope it gets the job done and helps me feel good and not so out of it the few days after surgery. That is the plan. I believe once that is done I can get on with life and move on. My main concern lately is my weight so that is high on the priority list. Gosh I want to look and feel healthy again. It's been too long being over 200 pounds yeah I said it it's true. My 30th class reunion is coming up in about a year and man would it be great to look good for that. Of course being healthy is the key. So this is my goal to shed these pounds and look HOT!! Hehehe It will take me about a year to lose this weight too. Yeah I ballooned up for some reason when I put the kids in a new school not sure why I did, but maybe the cancer played apart of it. Made me gain weight also the chemo wasn't good for that either. Well now I can take back my life and get with it. So much to be thankful for I have my wonderful family and getting healthy again. Feeling good!! More later~ net

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