Thursday, November 29, 2012


Well I survived the surgery. It's the day after of surgery so I am doing pretty good just a little pain mostly under the arm where the lymph node was taken out. That is right I believe they just took one lymph node out. That is good news! The day went by fast too. Mark was with me during most of the time. I got to the hospital at 7:15 a.m. and was in the nucular medicine at 7:30 a.m. The Sentinel node radiation dye was a little painful, but I got through it okay it lasted only until about 8:30 am then it was off to the surgery waiting room. I didn't wait very long to go back to the surgery then they got my IV in except they had to poke me twice. I have a bruise now in the arm they missed the vain in. Mark wasn't with me then, but soon came in after the IV was in. Mark came in after that was done. Well I had some visitors a chaplain Alex came to pray for me and my doctors came in to see me. A few nurses came in to ask questions it was all routine pretty much. Then I went down to the surgery room about 11: 35 am I was put on the operating table and the next thing I know I was out and then woke up around 2:35 p.m. well at least I think it was about 2 p.m. something. I tried to look at the clock, but it looked a little like two clocks and blurry to me. Yeah I was out of it. The good thing is I didn't vomit after surgery YAHOO!! I was feeling pretty good actually. I was a little tender and probably the hardest thing about the whole thing was my recovery nurse kept telling me to deep breath and I had to cough hard and that hurt to cough my armpit hurt pretty bad then. I had to cough though and breath to get my oxygen level at a good rate. Then soon after that I went to outpatient recovery then my husband came in to see me. I was so happy to see him too. I wanted to know what the doctor said. The doctor talked to me for a little bit and all I remember I said to him that there was two of him and he was cute as ever. LOL I am such a flirt. I just don't know what he said to me excpet something about my pee was going to be blue then green. They had to put in the dye to see what lymp node received it first because that is the lymp node with the cancer would go to. Mark said it was good news that it didn't look like cancer was in the lymph node. But they won't know until the final lab work. I am hoping there is good news. I did hear bad news because my gentic testing and I tested positive for a mutant gene so I am a carrier of the breast cancer gene so that isn't good news. In a way I kind of new just because I get rare things like a rare skin disease and now the rare gene. Now why can't I win the lottery that is rare right?! Sigh~ so now they are worried about my ovaries I have I high chance of getting ovarian cancer now. So now I have to have them take them out sometime down the road. So that means another surgery down the road. Not too happy about that, but knowledge is power so now that I know I have the gene I can do preventive medicine and get my ovaries taken out. I see an OBGYN in about two weeks to talk to him about my options on when and what to do about them. I do wonder if I have to have radiation on the ovaries though. The reason why that comes to mind is because my radiation doctor referred me to the OBGYN doctor so I have some concerns. I called my nurse navagator the one who told me about all that and left a message to ask if I have to have radiation where my ovaries are. Hmmmm makes one wonder at least to me it does. I am really going through some tough stuff right now, but through all the prayers and positive thoughts it helps a lot. Sure I have some thoughts that get to me, but I just turn to trust in God and I'll be okay. So anyway that is what happen yesterday at surgery I'm feeling better love my pain medicine!! It's making me sleepy now so I will close and write more later~

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